Thank you to the whole Aldersgate UMC congregation and all those who supported this event for your continued support and encouragement. Our gratitude to all of you!
We received community support from: Santa Clara Grad students, the Cornerstone Learning Foundation, and the Kol Emeth Congregation
Special thanks to the respective team lead & organizers:
Rev. Rae Kim, Brad Shirakawa, Kellyanne Ebisui, Mary Tsukushi, Frances Tamura, Grace Kozen, Janis Yamaguma, Sachiyo Yamasaki, Joy Nakamura, Ben Hashiba, Glen & Gayle Narimatsu, Roger Jue, Kelly & Peter Kim, Robin Vroom, Mimi Funabiki and Lori Wong.
Big thanks to Herb Gong, Salmon Dinner Chair!